var _SLANG={ all_ok: " OK ", all_warning: "Tips", all_op_succeed: "Succeed", all_op_failed: "Failed", all_fillall: "Please complete the required fields.", all_modify_succeed: "Succeed", all_modify_faild: "Failed", all_add_succeed: "Successfully Added", all_add_failed: "Add Failed", all_del_succeed: "Deleted successfully", all_del_failed: "Delete failed", all_tips: "Tips", msg_ok: " OK ", msg_warning: "Tips", msg_fillall: "Please complete the required fields.", msg_succeed: "Succeed", msg_failed: "Failed", msg_leavesucceed: "You have successfully leave a message. Your message will be displayed after the administrator replies.", msg_leavefailed: "Failed to leave message.", cart_nowlogin: " Login Now ", cart_nownotlogin: " Continue ", cart_logintips: "We recommend that you login first in order to facilitate your order and follow-up inquiries.", cart_succeed_order: "The order has submitted successfully.
Order Number", member_fillcoremail: "Please enter a valid Email", member_coremail: "The Email is correct", member_details_succeed: "Congratulations, member details changed successfully.", member_details_failed: "Modify failed for the following reasons:", member_must_fill: "Must be filled", member_length6_16: "Length must be 6-16", member_repeat_pass: "Please repeat the above password", member_pass_succeed: "Congratulations, the password changed successfully.
Please use the new password you login next time. ", member_pass_failed: "Password change failed for the following reasons:", member_addfav_succeed: "This product has been successfully added to \"My Favorites \"!", member_addcart_succeed: "Successfully added to the shopping cart.", member_settle: "Settle Account", member_goshop: "Go Shopping", sc_pass_level1: "Weak", sc_pass_level2: "Medium", sc_pass_level3: "Strong ", sc_pass_strength: "Password strength", signup_length4_16: "Length must be 4-16-bit characters (Chinese 8) ", signup_checking: "Checking...", signup_usernameok: "The username can be registered", signup_length6_16: "Length must be 6-16", signup_canreg: "Can be registered", signup_repass: "Please repeat the above password", signup_emailformaterr: "Email format is incorrect", signup_emailok: "The Email can be registered", signup_inputok: "Fill in the correct", signup_useragreement_tips: "Accept the user agreement and continue", signup_useragreement: "User Agreement", login_filluser_andpass: "Please fill in your username and password", public_filluser: "Please fill the username.", public_emailformaterr: "Email format is incorrect.", public_fillcode: "Please fill in the security code.", public_hadsubmit: "Your request has been submitted. The system will send an email to your registered email address, please note that check.", _END:'' };